Today we're still looking at Bulls-Eye Bill as he says some not-nice things about half-Hispanic people. We're going to grit our teeth and push past that and get to the solution of the code Bill found last time. Did you guess this? It seems like Dee is only taking some wild guesses, so it'll be interesting to see if she guessed right or not. Interestingly, Dee gives me every impression of being a supporting cast member, so when Bill's player couldn't solve the code, he handed it to a character controlled by the Editor, asking for a handout. Of course, the Editor doesn't have to then give them accurate information!
An exploration of the Golden Age of Comics, through the lens of Hideouts & Hoodlums, the comic book roleplaying game.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Target Comics #2 - pt. 2
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Target Comics #2 - pt. 1
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Slam-Bang Comics #1 - pt. 5
Being thrown into a cage with an animal you have to kill is an okay trap. Being sporting enough to send you in with a sword is just offering you XP.
Eagles is a really unusual choice; I can't say I've ever heard of eagles being called "vicious" before and think wild turkeys might have made a better choice. It's also unclear if these are meant to be huge eagles, or the narrator is saying eagles are huge birds. Huge eagles might be worth up to 1+1 HD...
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Slam-Bang Comics #1 - pt. 4
He may not deserve it, but we're back with another look at Lee Granger, Jungle King. The mentally augmented lion -- something Lee was not only able to do with 1940-era science, but with whatever equipment he was able to find in the jungles of Africa -- comes to Lee for healing, which makes me wonder if the Scientist class should be allowed to heal, or if this is just the first aid skill.
This tactic would be difficult to duplicate in H&H with combatants on foot, as a shield between combatants only improves AC by one, and it is too easy to run around obstacles. With slower-moving and less maneuverable ships this should be more effective, so much so that I can't think of much in the way of game mechanics to assign to this. Maybe a skill check for each pilot to outmaneuver the opponent?
Aerial torpedoes look like rockets to me...
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Slam-Bang Comics #1 - pt. 3
Monday, November 9, 2020
Slam-Bang Comics #1 - pt. 2
Also, take a look at the jowls on War Bird. In the Golden Age, a Hero could debut in his late 40s.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Slam-Bang Comics #1 - pt. 1
This is my first time ever looking at this issue. I know none of these characters become hits, but I'm hoping for a gem in the rough...
This is Diamond Jack, the Green Lantern before there was Green Lantern. He's got an interesting amount of hubris to him for what should be a 1st-level Magic-User. Of course he's not; the Magic-Users never are. Here he casts Protection from Missiles and Polymorph Any Object, neither of which are 1st-level spells.
I was long ago asked why Hideouts & Hoodlums bothers emulating D&D's low-level Magic-Users at all, if you never find them in comic books; but this is precisely why comic book Magic-Users are always so boring, so unbeatably overpowerful. I choose not to emulate that.
A gangster chief is a master criminal, while thugs are their own mobstertype.
Magic-Users never seem interested in keeping secret identities, or keeping their magic a secret. It's a wonder that the existence of magic stayed secret as long as it did.
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