Mark Marson of the Inter-Planetary Police is new to me, but there are some familiar tropes here. The "sun-ray cannon" sounds a lot like a Laser, but is probably meant to be a heatray (since Lasers hadn't been invented yet in the 1930s). The electro-ray pistol is also already statted for H&H, as an electric raygun. And pit traps! Gotta have pit traps.
On this page you can see how the cliched tropes of the adventure genre can be used to make future scenarios feel retro. The only thing different about this enclosing room trap is the "gripping ray" that acts like telekinesis on Gail.

I'm not sure what I'm reading about in Bob Merritt. The snaky tentacles in the clouds -- are they going to have some natural explanation for that or not? And the "bursting hand grenade" in the bottom panel -- I'm no expert on weapons, but I didn't think an exploding grenade normally made that much light. If it was some sort of magnesium grenade that just gave off blinding light, that would be a pretty neat trophy for Heroes to have.
Speaking of trophies, Brad Hardy and his fellow escapees run into some new trophy weapons -- guns that shoot "poisonous shrapnel darts". So, 1d6 damage + a save vs. poison.
There is a lot of flavor text in this page long struggle, but I think we can break it down into 3-4 turns of combat. Turn 1: grappling on both sides. Turn 2: Jack fails to grapple (described by the Editor as falling backwards), and Villa fails to hit with his knife. Turn 3: Unsuccessful grappling on both sides; Editor allows them both to get to their feet instead. Turn 4: Jack punches Villa, using a special maneuver to push him back. The Editor may or may not choose to roll a saving throw for the window glass (since it's such a cinematic image, he might just choose to allow it to automatically break).
Since the knife is ignored after turn 2, turns 3 and 4 could be compressed into 1 turn, since unarmed combat allows for two actions per turn. They do not both have to be the same action.
Young Jeff is so good at hiding, sneaking, and attacking from behind, he might be a Mysteryman!
Sandy Kean runs afoul of a racketeer! Should racketeers be their own mobster-type? Perhaps ones with special connections to corrupt politicians?
(Scans courtesy of Comic Book Plus)
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