Magnetism is really just a label pasted over Steel's Superman-like powers; there's no reason I can think of why magnetism should make it easier to fall onto an iceberg, or how he's pushing two icebergs apart, unless there's a lot of iron content in that ice.
An iceberg can easily weigh 100,000 tons, so tipping one over is going to require a high-level Raise power buffing his strength. I'm still tinkering with a more uniform structure to the Raise powers, now leaning towards something like this:
Level 1 - 1 ton
Level 2 - 10 tons
Level 3 - 100 tons
Level 4 - 1,000 tons
Level 5 - 10,000 tons
Level 6 - 100,000 tons
It's rare when a henchman looks cooler than the main villain, but we have another example of that here. This supervillain, let's call him Liquid Fire after his weapon of choice, looks plenty intimidating! I'm not even sure what this stuff he's squirting is, as we're still two years away from Napalm being invented (I had no idea it was so early). The concept for Napalm has been around since antiquity, with Greek Fire, but I wonder if that was where Biro got the idea here, or if the concept for a modern version was floating around before Napalm...
Anyway, it's worth mentioning that any defensive powers that buff you from hit point loss do not protect you from other attack forms, like blinding attacks -- which is precisely why Steel has to dive in the water.

The end of that story is is Steel's job finished, if he just leaves Black Knight standing there with his anti-aircraft gun? Did he use Turn Gun on Bad Guy between panels? Or did Biro simply run out of panels to tell his story?
Speaking of stories, we're going to jump into the Scarlet Avenger's story in progress. SA, aka Jim Kendall, is kinda all over the place, stylistically. He keeps skulls around him to seem scary, then keeps electrical equipment around him to look nerdy. He uses "phono-vis" -- yet another television-radio trophy item -- to contact some of his operatives, but he also uses carrier pigeons to reach other ones.

For a mysteryman who should only be 1st level this far into his published career, SA sure has a lot of powerful trophy items at his disposal. Here he is, driving his rocket car, with a "super-solaric heat ray" apparently attached to his windshield (or maybe it pops up out of the hood, we really can't see it). The heat ray uses wrecking things, and can wreck at least up to the cars category.
It's usually the main villains who wear hooded robes, but this guy in panel 2 talks like he's just a lieutenant. This guy's no dummy, though, he bought a robe with pockets!
Yeah, that's not how a bullet-proof cloaks would work, unless it's got some mad science inertia dampening field around it. This is far from the first time armor has defied physics in a comic book, nor the first time bullets have.
I've never treated racketeers as a separate mobstertype,

and I probably still won't since I don't see them doing anything here ordinary hoodlums can't do.
The chief looks suspiciously like a KKK member who left something yellow in the white wash.
Hoodlums don't have a very good chance of carrying trophy items, but when they do it makes them much more dangerous. Note how the hoodlums divide their tactics; two are grappling, one is clubbing from behind, and the fourth is using the sleeping gas spray can.
I still don't like the Scarlet Avenger feature very much, but I have to say I like panels 6-8 here. The door in the extreme foreground gives a subtle sense of place, and the panel compositions on the next two are above average too.
At 1940, mustard gas was probably still the most deadly gas known to man -- unless this was a fictitious chemical agent.
One million volts sounds like a lot, but we can make Tasers that can discharge more than that these days. I don't think it's the electricity that lets SA bust through that glass.
A million volts could, I suppose, kill someone, but I think it's more likely to just knock them out.
That last panel makes me think the chief is hiding, but he passed gas and that's how SA is going to find him...
As your last resort you pull out your magnetic ray that can wreck through walls? That wasn't your first choice when you were put into the glass cage with mustard gas? There's something very comic book-y about that, though...enough that I feel like maybe Heroes should need to save vs. plot to use their most effective attack mode first.
How long can SA hold a million volt charge, when he keeps discharging it on people? And what about when he climbed in his car, wouldn't that ground his charge? The science here is a bit beyond me.
I get deja vu reading a lot of these Western stories, but none as much as this issue. Every facet of Nevada Jones' transformation into a Lone Ranger clone seems calculated for maximum rip-offidity.
All these Western tropes, despite their commonness, don't necessarily make much sense. If you're an outlaw trying to look less suspicious, it seems like a wearing a mask is the exact opposite direction you should take.
My favorite part of this page is the arrow pointing to the final panel, foreshadowing the arrow that strikes the dying man in the back.
(Scans courtesy of Comic Book Plus.)
I'm guessing that the Scarlett Avenger's Cloak is a Trophy Item or Invention:
ReplyDeleteBulletproof (+1 Cover Bonus)
Electrical Resistance (as the Power). The 'carrying a charge' bit might just be a Clever excuse to do Weapon Damage for 1D3 rounds and the Editor rewarding the cleverness..
As far as the physics of SA's Bulletproof cloak goes:
A) If SA has a Bulletproof Cloak he's probably got some lightweight Body Armor as well(Bulletproof Vest equivalent) So the bullets parachute into the cloak, lose velocity and finish against the Armor. Also-
B) By holding his cloak wide like that he's messing up his target silhouette- some bullets his his cloak but missed his actual torso.
I've got to find out why i'm not being Notified of these updates, i'm missing several lately...
Thanks for chiming in, Order! I guess that explanation is as scientific as you can get with a cloak that stops bullets. Good job! If I was less lazy, I would go back and read my own write-up on Zip Comics #1 to see if there was a better explanation then for how Scarlet Avenger electrifies himself.
DeleteI honestly think that the Editor was just being nice and going with the flow like I do with my Players:
ReplyDelete(Star Wars game,2010, Myself as GM. Our Brave Rebels are captured at Blaster point except for one PC somehow jammed into a corner of the ceiling above everybody's heads. Lord Vader appears).
Garth Vercales, Smuggler Supreme-COWABUNGA! Flying Elbow Drop!
Me- SERIOUSLY? Sigh. Okay, roll your handful of dice against the Cyborg-Wizard Killing Machine...
(PC rolls lots of '6's, GM rolls lots of '1's)
Me-That-you,YOU.....ahg, guh..Okay, nobody moves-and I mean NOBODY. Half the Stormtroopers literally drop their Blasters in shock and the other half are too stunned to think. You have one free action before Darth Vader blinks and your head explodes, so-
ME-(gargling noises)Ummmm...did I say free action? I meant Free entire Round!
Other PCs-FREEEEEDOM!!!! Run Away!
Darth Vader-and no one will speak of this ever AGAIN!!
Stormtroopers- (nod)