Saturday, August 17, 2019

Comics on Parade v. 2 #11 - pt. 2

We're wrapping up with just a few more pages from this issue, starting with Looy Dot Dope. Here we get a glimpse into salary information, though we likely could have guessed that $20 extra a week would be too steep a raise for his boss.

More interesting, for me, was seeing the verb "buttle" in use.  We see the word butler all the time, but we forget exactly what it is that butlers do -- butlers buttle.
This is Ella Cinders, and I only share it for an example of how high reward money can go for even low-level mobsters.
This is the filler page Grin and Bear It; I particularly like the bottom left gag.

I've showed pages with salary information before, but this page of Dynamite Dunn reveals how expensive it is to hire a vamp to break up a couple.

Lastly, Knurl the Gnome intrigues me this time with the concept of goat-mounted mobile radios. Would Heroes ever consider buying pack animals to carry radios for them?

(Scans courtesy of Comic Book Plus.)

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