Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Amazing Mystery Funnies v. 2 #12 - pt. 3

Ah, Speed Centaur, the ultimate test of the comic book fan's suspension of disbelief.

Here, we see Speed pushing a boulder, which is a fair use of the Raise Car power. But, of course, the biggest thing here is that Speed has found this whole, crazy subterranean lair right behind his own hideout cave -- as if Batman found a secret passage behind the Batcave that led straight to Castle Greyhawk. This is some really Old School nutty dungeon-type stuff here -- Speed and Reel run into a subterranean rhinoceros in this cave complex.

Also worth pointing out is "Yeh man!!! Put your peepers on that baby!!" -- one of the goofiest lines of dialog I've ever read in a comic book.

Exciting the cave complex, Speed and Reel find themselves...hurled back in space and time? In a lost world setting where early European settlers were trapped here and never moved past the Middle Ages? At this point in the lunacy, does it even really matter?

Knights are going to be a statted mobster type in the Mobster Manual; in fact, they were statted for the basic rulebook, but were one of the mobster types cut because the section just seemed too big and unwieldy.

Disarming is a combat option in 2nd edition Hideouts & Hoodlums. Unhorsing a rider is not, simply because I do not expect it to come up as often. In lieu of its own mechanic, I would simply require the rider to make a save vs. science to avoid disarming.

I'm skeptical about that stick between the legs working to trip a horse; I think the stick would just snap like a twig. I suppose the fair thing to do would be to make the horse save vs. science to keep from being knocked prone, but with a situational bonus of at least +2.

This page illustrates three things -- how much of a hideout can be just empty space before reaching an encounter (though that tends to not be too fun for most players), the importance of frequent "hear noise" skill checks in a hideout, and an example of how easy wrecking through locked doors is for superheroes.

(Scans courtesy of Digital Comic Museum.)

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